Discipleship Groups - Session II

Zoom Discipleship Groups

Please click here to join the Sunday Night Discipleship Group  -- With Lloyd Speese, 7:00
Passcode: 771235 • (Meeting ID: 972 63621888)
Note: If the Passcode does not work in the first dialog box, click Cancel, then click the "Join a Meeting" button and put the Meeting ID and click Join.
In the next dialog box, put in the passcode and click Join.  Enjoy your Zoom Discipleship group!

Haga clic aquí para unirse al grupo de discipulado de los martes por la noche -- Con Evert Mora, 7:00pm  (ID de reunión: 834 032 8133)

Lesson 1 - Why the Disciplines?

Lección 1 - El por qué de las Discipplinas